Friday, June 12, 2009

The Asus EeeTop: A Nettop in Search of a Mission

"The Asus ET1602 is a miniature all-in-one desktop with touchscreen functionality. It's certainly fun to use, but figuring out exactly what to use it for might be a tough question. It's got about the same oomph -- or lack thereof -- of a netbook, yet it doesn't have the benefit of being mobile, as there is no built-in battery.

The Asus EeeTop ET1602 is an interesting computer with some potential for home and business use. However, it will surely cause considerable discussion over what users might really do with it.

The ET1602 is essentially a netbook-like computer with a 14-inch by 8-inch LCD touchscreen wrapped around it. With an overall unit measurement of 16 X 11.5 inches, it's in some ways a fully functional computer, and in others it's more reminiscent of a wireless PDA from yesteryear.

Asus EeeTop ET1602

Sure, you can attach the included 12.5-by-5.5-inch keyboard (sans keypad) and mouse to it and have a nifty portable computer sporting a non-clamshell design. Or you can move it around from room to room with its built-in handle attached to the back. Leave the mouse and keyboard behind, and use your finger and a virtual on-screen keyboard for input instead -- but what else can you do with it?"

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